Last night’s dinner started with a random stroll, just bumping along the road. We decided to walk around Suan Phlu Soi area and pick a Thai restaurant. We wanted something local, non-descript, undiscovered for us. As so often happens in Bangkok, we stumbled upon exactly what we were looking for in no time Larp Suanplu. Just the perfect little restaurant with 4-5 tables serving both Thai & Northern Thai style. Simple, very casual with delightful menu and great, friendly staff. We enjoyed a bounty of 9 different dishes…
• Fried rice with crab meat
• Fried rice with salted fish
• Stir-fried pork liver with black pepper
• Fried pork neck slices with fish sauce
• Papaya salad with crab
• Stir-fried century eggs with crispy basil
• Spicy shredded bamboo-shoot salad
• Sliced grilled pork neck salad
• Spicy chicken curry
Plus of course a local Singha to wash it down… All for around 700 baht ($20).
Ah!!!!!!! Bangkok.
By the way, fyi this is our unsolicited personal opinion. By no means, a requested review from the owners.